Life can feel a bit like wandering around the wilderness or lost in the wild, chasing “freedom” but never quite feeling free, but that is not meant to be the end of your story…real freedom is just around the corner if you can understand that Jesus “makes a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19).
The world we live in today is like the wild; it promises freedom but ends up teaching us something else…
The wild is that barren place between desire and realization…
The wild is a place of revelation. It reveals what's in your heart…
The wild is a place of transition. It's the ground between what was and what will be; the path between captivity and freedom. Everything that you can learn about freedom in Jesus will show you that after the wilderness comes a new beginning. Jesus said in John 10:10 “I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.”
Jesus’ final journey on this earth was a path that few would travel, but He did it…he walked a Wildpath to ultimately restore you and me to the Father by His death on the cross.
To bridge the gap between man and God…no one could
have overcome the wild like Jesus did!!
You are not meant or designed to stay in the wild; you are made for the Promised Land; you can live like a champion, free to head towards all the good things of God… you can live in total & unending freedom!!
Wherever you are on your journey right now, Jesus has walked the Wildpath for you to restore you to the promise of an eternal relationship with Him; of hope, of healing and an amazing destiny!! We hold on to this reality Sunday to
Welcome to Wildpath Church!!
At Wildpath church we are part of CRC Churches International, previously known as The Christian Revival Crusade, which is an established pentecostal denomination that started in Australia, has expanded throughout the Asia Pacific, and now encompasses a global vision.
The CRC vision is to help expand the Kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth by creating Bible-based, contemporary local churches and ministries.
The CRC mission is to exalt Jesus Christ in all that we think, say and do, and to extend His influence throughout the world.
Proclaiming Christ’s Gospel with the expectation that supernatural signs will follow as the normal New Testament pattern (Mark 16:15-20);
Planting Christ-centred churches that are autonomous, interdependent and self-propagating (Acts 14:21-28);
Promoting Christ-glorifying Christian communities which outwork the miraculous and character transforming ministry of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:42-47);
Producing Christ-following disciples who seek to obey the Great Commandment and Great Commission (Matthew 22:36-40; 28:18-20).
We believe that God will work through His living, authoritative and relevant Bible. We show this value by:
Ensuring that all our theology, ministry practices and organisational policies and processes are Biblically based;
Continually reforming ourselves, our local churches and our movement by aligning ourselves to God’s Word.
We believe in the God-inspired multiplication strategy of covering the earth with churches. We show this value by:
Ensuring our churches are autonomous and interdependent for the purpose of reproducing new churches;
Continually releasing our people to outwork the Great Commission blueprint for New Testament revival as mandated by Jesus.
We believe in connected, cooperative and accountable ministers and churches. We show this value by:
Ensuring our church leadership teams avoid the extremes of both independence and dependence, through responsible and accountable practices;
Continually looking to Jesus as the Head of the church, to call and anoint the right men and women to lead the churches of our movement.
We believe in the liberating power of the New Creation Message that secures and strengthens our foundations in Christ. We show this value by:
Ensuring that we teach “rest” in the finished work of Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection on our behalf, and in the reality of Christ in us through the person of the Holy Spirit;
Continually enforcing our authority in Christ and appropriating all the privileges we now possess as members of God’s Family.
We believe in a Gospel-centred and grace-pervading Christian message that must never be added to or changed. We show this value by:
Ensuring that we maintain our abiding conviction that Jesus Christ can save and transform anyone who places their full trust in Him;
Continually embracing repentance and obedience as integral aspects of our response to God’s grace.
We believe in a balance between the ‘Word’ and the ‘Spirit’ as we express our dependence on Jesus Christ. We show this value by:
Ensuring that we equally value the Word of God and the Spirit of God as absolutely essential for the growth and stability of all believers, ministers and churches;
Continually assessing that works attributed to the Holy Spirit align with the inspired Word of God.
We believe that our churches should be creative and culturally relevant while remaining doctrinally pure.
We show this value by:
Ensuring that we prayerfully and wisely adapt and change our worship modes, outreach methods and organisational processes;
Continually monitoring that we maintain our Biblical beliefs and principles as we effectively relate to our constantly changing society.
We believe in pursuing unity and walking in love in our churches and amongst our ministers. We show this value by:
Ensuring that integrity and right relationships are paramount, so we can experience the Godly power and spiritual synergy of dedicated teams;
Continually working at love and unity, doing all in our power to strengthen and develop the ties that bind us together.
We believe in a forward-moving and daring faith that undergirds everything we do for Jesus Christ. We show this value by:
Ensuring that we move in a faith realm that prays, believes and acts according to the Holy Spirit’s confirmed leading;
Continually affirming that faith is the means by which our potential authority in Christ is outworked in real spiritual power.
We believe in the call and cost of Christ-appointed ministers who willingly embrace sacrificial servant-hood as a way of life. We show this value by:
Ensuring that CRC Ministers know the depth of spiritual passion that comes from an authentic call of God;
Continually encouraging people to value the cost of being a servant of Jesus, resisting the temptation to desire a crown without a cross.